
The Lifestyle & Professional
Network for Nurses


Chat & Connect with other nurses

  • Quality Newsfeed on nursing topics
  • Chat with your nursing colleagues
  • Be a mentor for other nurses and find mentors
  • Connect with other RN, NP, CNA, LPN, LVN
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Find the best Nursing Jobs

  • Connect directly with hospital recruiters
  • Chat with your nursing colleaguesCreate a quick professional profile that employers can see at your discretion
  • Upload your resume and professional credentials for future credentialing
  • Store your nursing professional certifications and documents for easy access
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Shop for all that you care about

  • Shop for scrubs
  • Shop for products that are also made/sold exclusively by Nurse Owned Businesses
  • Shop for healthcare products
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Plan your trip

  • Connect with other nurses at an upcoming new travel assignment
  • Plan a vacation/trip with fellow nurses
  • Invite other nurses and colleagues on a vacation you'd like to go on
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